On behalf of President Dr. Pamela Monaco and our esteemed faculty and staff, welcome to Ocean County College! We are thrilled to have you join our online learning community as a member of the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust.
Through the trust, you have access to a wide variety of fully online courses, certificates, degree programs, and professional certifications. At 365球赛平台, you will benefit from asynchronous course offerings that are designed with flexibility in mind. You will have the support of our award-winning faculty and gain access to innovative technologies that are integrated into your coursework. Our rigorous academic programs are designed to help you achieve your educational and career aspirations!
As a Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust student, you receive personalized concierge services, with me as your primary point of contact at 365球赛平台. I am here to help you every step of the way– from application to graduation! You will also have access to academic coaching, tutoring services, and the full suite of 365球赛平台 resources– all available remotely to support your success.
Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time. I am excited to assist you during your time here at Ocean. Congratulations on taking this important step to achieving your goals!
Calleigh Kearns
Enrollment Services Advisor, Partnerships & Outreach
Getting Started
Your first step towards enrolling at 365球赛平台 is going to be submitting a FREE application!
A few things to note when filling out your application:
- In order to be identified as a Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust student, you must select it under the Affiliated Partnerships question on the application. Once selected, you will be prompted to provide your NUID to verify program eligibility.
- If you are looking to enroll in a course and not pursue a degree or certificate program, please apply as a Non-Degree or Visiting Student.
- If this applies to you, please view the List of Eligible (Ben U) Classes tab.
- If you are looking to pursue a degree or certificate program, make sure to select the proper program and ensure you have followed the correct steps through Ben Hudnall.
- Not sure of the steps? Please view the Degree and Certificate Programs tab.
- If you are looking to enroll in a professional certification program, please view the Google Certification Programs tab.
If you have questions at any point in the process, please reach out to Calleigh Kearns for assistance!
List of Eligible (Ben U) Classes
Click here to view the list of classes that are pre-approved by the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust. If you are interested in registering for any of these courses, please proceed to the Registration Steps tab.
- BIOL 114: Principles of Biological Sciences
- BIOL 130: Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 131: Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIOL 161: General Biology I
- BIOL 162: General Biology II
- BIOL 232: Microbiology
- CHEM 180: Introductory Chemistry
- CHEM 181: General Chemistry I
- CHEM 182: General Chemistry II
- CHEM 283: Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 284: Organic Chemistry II
- PHIL 192: Contemporary Ethical Issues
- PSYC 172: General Psychology
- PSYC 278: Lifespan Development
- SPAN 151: Elementary Spanish I
- STSC 150: Student Success Seminar
Degree & Certificate Programs
Funding from the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust will cover any degree or certificate program that can be completed 100% online. Click here to view the steps to enroll in a degree or certificate program.
To view a list of BHMT approved online degree and certification program offerings, click here!
Students pursuing a degree program are required to obtain an Intent to Enroll Form from their Academic Coach at Ben Hudnall prior to enrolling in classes. This letter lets 365球赛平台 know that trust will be funding your program.
To obtain your Intent to Enroll Form, you must:
- Meet with your BHMT Career Coach to discuss your career & educational goals.
- Not sure who your BHMT Career Coach is? You can search by your NUID here.
- Meet with your BHMT Academic Coach to review the commitment and rigor of the program and receive their approval
- Complete the Intent to Enroll Form and ensure it is sent to Ocean County College
If you are pursuing a certificate program, you are encouraged (but not required) to meet with your BHMT Career Coach.
If you have not done so already, you should submit the application and connect with Calleigh Kearns to discuss potential transfer credit, your goals, review your desired program, and register for classes!
Google Certification Programs
Click here to learn more about the Google Certification Programs that are funded through the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust. These are professional certifications offered by our Workforce and Professional Education Department.
These programs are asynchronous and self-paced. You will be granted access to the program for a set amount of time and it is your responsibility to complete the courses and earn the certification by the end of the program. Failure to complete may result in a temporary suspension of BHMT funding.
The Google Certification Programs that are currently offered here at 365球赛平台 are as follows:
- Google IT Support Professional
- Google Project Management
- Google Data Analytics
- Google Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
- Google Cybersecurity
- Google IT Automation with Python
NOTE: these programs do not follow the same academic calendar or add/drop policies as the for-credit courses. If you enroll in a program, you must drop before the start date in order to not have a balance sent to BHMT.
To register for one of the Google Professional Certification Programs, click here. If you are having trouble registering, please reach out to Calleigh Kearns for assistance.
Important Information
Semester Lengths
365球赛平台 offers a variety of term lengths for Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust students to choose from. Classes are offered over a span of 15 weeks, 10 weeks, or 7.5 weeks. The terms are labeled as follows:
- Full Term (15 weeks)
- Spring 15-Week
- Fall 15-Week
- Quick Term (10 weeks)
- Fall Quick Term
- Summer 10-Week Term
- Spring Quick Term
- Accelerated (7.5 weeks)
- Spring
- Accelerated Term 1 & Accelerated Term 2
- Summer
- Accelerated Term 3 & Accelerated Term 4
- Fall
- Accelerated Term 5 & Accelerated Term 6
- Spring
As part of a minimum grade policy from Ben Hudnall, please note the deadlines in the 365球赛平台 Refund Policy and familiarize yourself with how these could impact you.
Access the Academic Calendar for all semesters here. This calendar provides you with start and end dates, app/drop periods, and withdrawal deadlines by term.
You can view the add/drop and withdrawal college policies here under Policy 5144. From this policy, it is important to note:
- Dropping a course before the first day of the term → no balance due.
- Drop during the first three days of the term → no balance due.
- Drop after the third day of the term through the end of the posted add/drop period → 50% of balance due.
- This is considered an unsuccessful attempt by BHMT.
- Any drops after the add/drop period are considered course withdrawals → full cost of course due.
- This is considered an unsuccessful attempt by BHMT.
Why is this important? Per Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust policy, any change in scheduling that results in a balance will be considered an unsuccessful attempt and can put future funding in jeopardy. It is important to reach out to Calleigh Kearns and your BHMT Coaches before deciding to drop or withdraw from a course.
Course Syllabi
If your specific course syllabus is not available yet, you can download a master copy through our Simple Syllabus library.
You can use the master syllabi as an example of what information is covered in the course. It can be filtered by term length at the top, too.
Student Support
Ocean County College and the Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust provide a variety of support services to help you succeed as a student. These resources are available to assist you at every step of your journey. Here are some of the support services that are available to you and how to access them:
- BHMT Student Direct Point of Contact
- Your direct point of contact for anything you may need during your time at 365球赛平台 is Calleigh Kearns. Calleigh can connect you with any of the resources available, offer academic and success coaching, and will serve as your Academic Advisor.
- Career and Academic Coaches at BHMT
- The Ben Hudnall Memorial Trust has a team of Career and Academic Coaches available to assist in aligning your academic plans with your goals, provide academic coaching services, and support in understanding your BHMT benefits and their policies. Not sure who your Career Coach is? You can find yours by inputting your NUID here.
- Tutoring Services
- All BHMT students have access to 365球赛平台’s free online Tutoring Center. They offer standard tutoring, writing center review, citation and formatting assistance, and more. Sessions can be conducted synchronously via WebEx or asynchronous over email. For information about the Tutoring Center and the steps to book an appointment, click here.
- Counseling Services
- The Counseling Center at 365球赛平台 is a team of dedicated professionals that offer a wide-variety of free counseling services to 365球赛平台 students. Services are offered virtually via phone or secure video. To learn more about the Counseling Center, click here.
- Student IT Help Desk and Technical Support
- As an online student, 365球赛平台 has a team to assist with any technology needs. If you need assistance with online applications, check out our Technical Support page. For direct contact with a member of our IT support team, you can call:
- 1-844-344-3113 during business hours
- 1-866-861-1122 for the after hours, off-site, Student Help Desk
- As an online student, 365球赛平台 has a team to assist with any technology needs. If you need assistance with online applications, check out our Technical Support page. For direct contact with a member of our IT support team, you can call:
- Disability Services
- All students have the right to equal access to academic and environmental accommodations. The Disability Services office provides the tools necessary to support students and provide qualified students with disabilities the accommodations they need. To learn more about our Disability Services office and the process of requesting accommodations, click here.
How to Login to Ocean Connect
Ocean Connect is the Ocean County College student portal. You will use Ocean Connect to access your current courses, register for upcoming terms, and access your student account. You can login at this link: Ocean Connect
- Username and Password
- Within 24 hours of submitting your application, you will receive an email with your Ocean Connect username.
- Typically, it is firstname_lastname@students.tsunoi-toso.com
- Your initial password is your 365球赛平台 student ID number. Here is how to find your ID number:
- 365球赛平台 student ID numbers always start with 0 and are seven digits long.
- To view your ID number, you can find it on the My Account page of 365球赛平台’s Online Application.
- If we have your social security number on file, you can use this link to search for your ID number: What’s My 365球赛平台 ID?
- Within 24 hours of submitting your application, you will receive an email with your Ocean Connect username.
Registration Steps
You can register for courses on your own through Ocean Connect or by meeting with you Academic Advisor, Calleigh Kearns virtually through WebEx or over the phone.
If you choose to register on your own, use these Step-by-Step instructions (PDF) to ensure you do so correctly.
If you have questions at any point in the process, please reach out to Calleigh Kearns for assistance!
After You Register
New Students
Now that you are officially registered for courses, welcome! Please ensure that you have access to your Ocean Connect account. Click here to view your next steps to make sure you are set up for success.
- Familiarize yourself with Ocean Connect.
- Know the academic standards and plagiarism policy.
- Review the online Canvas Orientation or schedule a virtual onboarding to your account with Calleigh.
- Your student email will become active within 72 hours of your initial registration.
- It is highly recommended that you check your 365球赛平台 student email daily. This is the primary mode of communication that the college (and your professors) will use to reach you.
Accessing Classes
This information is for those taking for-credit courses. If you are in any Google Programs, these instructions vary. Click here to view information on accessing your courses.
Classes will become available in Canvas five days before the start of the semester. If you register earlier than that, do not worry if you don’t see your classes in Canvas.
On the first day of the term, you are highly encouraged to complete the following:
- Review the Get Started Module
- Locate your textbook and virtual lab room, if applicable
- Set up Honorlock, our virtual proctoring software*
- Review the Active Participation Policy:
- To actively participate, take one of the following three actions within the first three days of the term:
- Post to a discussion board (Introduction Discussion DO count.)
- Take a quiz or test (Orientation Quizzes DO count.)
- Submit an item in the DropBox
- NOTE: simply logging in and/or emailing the professor DOES NOT count towards active participation.
- It is strongly recommended that you log in and actively participate on the first day of the term.
- To actively participate, take one of the following three actions within the first three days of the term:
*Honorlock is a service used by 365球赛平台 to provide online test proctoring. Usage of a webcam is required and it will be used to monitor students during exams. For more information on Honorlock, click here.it the application and connect with Calleigh Kearns to discuss potential transfer credit, your goals, review your desired program, and register for classes!
Contact Us
Calleigh Kearns
Enrollment Services Advisor, Partnerships & Outreach
732-255-0400 ext: 2359